With the maturity of seeds, the palisade cells became longer, from loosely arranged turned into neatly and tightly, formed water impermeable layer; 随着种子的发育成熟,栅栏细胞长度逐渐增加,由松散排列变为整齐致密,形成不透水层;
These results have been explained in terms of the effect of the stabilized alcohol in the micelle on the surface charge density, and the dielectric constant of the micelle palisade layer. 上述结果利用胶束增溶的醇对表面电荷密度和栅栏层介电常数的影响进行了解释。
Consequently, the population densities of mite and injury indexes of leaf on thick reverse epidermis varieties were significantly lower, the thicker the reverse epidermis and palisade layer of leaf, the higher resistance of variety to P. latus. 在叶片下表皮层厚的品种上,螨的种群密度和叶片为害指数均显著低,其下表皮和栅栏组织层越厚,抗性越强。